Video installation SALUT AU MONDE
Fabrica 126, Water Tower Art Fest, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2016.

SALUT AU MONDEtwo channel video installation HD 16:9 (7min. 16 sec.) no sound
Project title comes from Walt Whitman poem SALUT AU MONDE! Poet meanders over our planet in an inspired dream vision journey, similar to movement of film camera. His gaze moves through sights of rivers, mountains, cities, people, animals ... looking at a wider area, or going deeper and closer to the things, grabbing individual details.
O TAKE my hand, Walt Whitman!
Such gliding wonders! Such sights and sounds!
Such joined unended links, each hooked to the next!
Each answering all—each sharing the earth with all.

Video work consists of video images, recorded during my research journeys. For each image there was a right place and a right time in which the work could be born. The scenes are found, I found the scenes and they found me, and the only investment in them was the journey. Basically each moving-image represents only carefully meditative observation. It is so simple and obvious truth. Video camera is suitable for carefully observation and perception. During this meditative process one can go deeper beneath the surface of things, the eye turns to invisible areas of our mind, rising higher levels of consciousness. Thus, video is becoming a way of thinking, a reflection of the mind and the stream of consciousness, in a sense, a philosophical process or philosophical form that allows cognition. The technique becomes a path to transcendent experience and a tool in the service of metaphysical art.